Friday, September 5, 2008

Special Notes on Pepper Spray safety and use

Pepper Spray is a great choice for protection. It is important to note that pepper spray may not always be the right choice for all situations. It does have limitations and concerns that must be taken into account before use. Things that must be considered are enclosed spaces, self contamination, wind, the physical or mental state of the assailant, multiple assailants, decontamination and other unforeseen factors that can seriously limit its effectiveness and ultimately the final results. Pepper Spray is an inflammatory agent that will inflame capillaries, cause temporary blindness, due to swollen capillaries, cut off all but life support breathing, cause hacking/coughing and intense burning. These symptoms will last anywhere from 20 minutes to a few hours. All pepper sprays must be aimed directly at the face of your attacker. Direct hits any place other than the face will NOT be effective. The best technique for deploying pepper spray is to aim, fire and move either back or to the side. Then observe your attacker and if he/she continues to pursue repeat the process until he/she has halted his/her attack.

Pepper Spray Inc.

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