Friday, September 5, 2008
Special Notes on Pepper Spray safety and use
Pepper Spray Inc.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Frequently Asked Questions About Pepper Spray
Is pepper spray legal?
In most states pepper spray is legal to possess and carry. You should check with your local law enforcement office or your states Attorney Generals office for any regulations your state may have. There are states where pepper spray is legal but there may be size, age or OC concentration restrictions. You should check on these restrictions as well.
Is there anyplace where I cannot carry my pepper spray?
Yes. You cannot carry pepper spray on board commercial aircraft. This is a Federal crime that can carry up to a $25,000 dollar fine. It is ok to carry pepper spray in your checked baggage although it is highly advisable that you notify the ticketing agent when you check your baggage. Also since 9/11/01 you may have issues when carrying pepper spray into secured locations such as a Federal buildings, State buildings or anyplace where you pass through a security checkpoint. Although there are no laws that we are aware of you should use your common sense here.
How does pepper spray work?
Pepper spray's active ingredient is OC or oleoresin capsicum. The OC is derived from Cayenne peppers these are some of the hottest peppers in the world. Unlike MACE or tear gas, which are irritants, pepper spray OC is an inflammatory agent. Contact with mucous membranes (eyes, nose, throat and lungs) causes immediate dilation of the capillaries. This can result in temporary blindness and instant inflammation of the breathing tube tissues and systematically cuts of all but life support breathing. OC also will create an intense burning sensation on the surface of the skin. However, OC will cause no lasting after effects. The effects last from 15 to 60 minutes. Because OC is an inflammatory agent and not an irritant it is effective on those who feel no pain such as psychotics and those under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
When should I use my pepper spray?
Although no defense item is 100% effective in every situation you will need to assess the situation as it happens. You should ONLY use pepper spray if you are threatened or your life is in danger. please note that it IS a crime to use pepper spray to commit malicious acts.
How do I use my pepper spray?
If you have to use your pepper spray make sure you have distance between you and the threat if at all possible. Aim the spray at the eyes and facial region of the threat then release a 1 to 2 second burst of spray. After you have done this MOVE out of the way but keep your eyes on the threat. Pepper spray can take a couple of moments to cause a reaction and by watching the reactions of the threat you will be able to determine if you will require another shot of pepper spray. Boxers have a saying "Stick and Move" well the same applies here. Just remember "Spray and Move", "Spray and Move". Once the threat is eliminated seek help and call the police. You may also wish to get a Tactical Use of Defense Spray Manual. It is loaded with useful tips on using defense sprays. This booklet can be found on all of our pepper spray purchase pages.
What is pepper spray made of?
Pepper spray is a derivative of Cayenne pepper. The oils are extracted from the pepper using a high-pressure process. This process leaves you with the active ingredient in pepper spray known as OC or OleoResin Capsicum. The pure pepper extract is then diluted with an inert ingredient that reduces the SHU or Scoville Heat Unit to get it down to a useable SHU for pepper spray. SHU is a unit of measurement that determines how hot something is the rating goes from 1 million SHU up to 5 million SHU. 1 million SHU is detectable on the palette in concentrations as little as 1 part per million or 1 drop of OC in 1 million drops of water. All of our sprays are 2 million SHU and in much higher concentrations than 1 part per million.
Will my pepper spray expire?
Yes. That is why we print an expiration date on every can of pepper spray. ( except the fox sprays they expire 2 years from the purchase date.) Usually all other sprays expiration date is 3 to 4 years from the date of purchase. Although the spray life is indefinite it does start to lose potency over time. Any use of the spray beyond the expiration date is HIGHLY unadvisable. We strongly advise you to replace your pepper spray every year! That way you are always assured of the potency of the spray.
How can I be assured my pepper spray will work when I need it?
You should get in the habit of testing your defense spray every 90 days. To do this first go outside and determine which direction the wind is blowing. Remember to always stand upwind from the direction you are spraying. Depress the firing mechanism for ½ second. This test should be performed upon purchase and every 90 days after that. Be aware that every time you test your spray you reduce the contents of the canister. If you are using a key chain model and you test regularly you will need to replace the unit every 9 to 12 months if you follow the recommended testing procedure above. See the reference chart on the back of the packaging for additional information.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Facts & Figures on Violence Against Women
Sexual Violence
Although women are more at risk of violence from their intimate partners than from other persons, sexual violence by non-partners is also common in many settings. According to the 2006 In-Depth Study of the Secretary-General: “Sexual violence by non-partners refers to violence by a relative, friend, acquaintance, neighbor, work colleague or stranger. Estimates of the prevalence of sexual violence by non-partners are difficult to establish, because in many societies, sexual violence remains an issue of deep shame for women and often for their families. Statistics on rape extracted from police records, for example, are notoriously unreliable because of significant underreporting”.
It is estimated that worldwide, one in five women will become a victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime. In a randomly selected study of nearly 1,200 ninth-grade students in Geneva, Switzerland, 20 percent of girls revealed they had experienced at least one incident of physical sexual abuse. According to the 2005 multi-country study on domestic violence undertaken by the WHO, between 10 and 12 percent of women in Peru, Samoa and Tanzania have suffered sexual violence by non-partners after the age of 15. Other population-based studies reveal that 11.6 percent of women in Canada reported sexual violence by a non-partner in their lifetime, and between 10 and 20 percent of women in New Zealand and Australia have experienced various forms of sexual violence from non-partners, including unwanted sexual touching, attempted rape and rape .
In many societies, the legal system and community attitudes add to the trauma that rape survivors experience. Women are often held responsible for the violence against them, and in many places laws contain loopholes which allow the perpetrators to act with impunity. In a number of countries, a rapist can go free under the Penal Code if he proposes to marry the victim.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Safety Tips
* Safety Tips *
All of the Safety Tips in this section were compiled from the NATIONAL CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL (NCPC)
Basic Street Smarts
...Wherever you are, on the street, in a parking lot, shopping mall, driving, waiting for a bus or subway..STAY ALERT and tuned in to your surroundings.
...Send the message that you’re calm, confident, and know where you are going.
...Trust your instincts. If something or someone makes you uneasy, avoid the person or leave.
...Know the neighborhoods where you live and work. Check out the locations of police and fire stations, public telephones, hospitals, and restaurants, or stores that are open late.
On Foot
...Stick to well-traveled streets. Avoid shortcuts through wooded areas, parking lots, or alleys.
...Don’t flash large amounts of cash or other tempting targets like expensive jewelry or clothing.
...Carry a purse close to your body, not dangling by the straps. Put a wallet in an inside coat or front pants pocket not in a back pocket.
...Try to use automated teller machines in the daytime. Have your card in hand and don’t approach the machine if you are uneasy about people nearby.
...Don’t wear shoes or clothing that restrict your movements.
...Have your car or house keys in hand before you reach the door.
...If you think someone is following you, switch directions or cross the street, walk toward an open store, restaurant, lighted house. If you are scared yell for help.
...Have to work late? Make sure that there are others in the building, and ask someone..a colleague or security guard to walk you to your car or transit stop.
On Wheels
...Keep your car in good running condition. Make sure there’s enough gas to get where you are going and back.
...Always roll up the windows and lock car doors, even if you’re coming right back. Check inside and outside before getting in.
...Avoid parking in isolated areas. Be especially alert in lots and underground parking garages.
...If you think someone is following you don’t head home. Drive to the nearest police station, fire station, gas station, or other open business to get help.
...Don’t pick up hitchhikers. Don’t hitchhike.
Safety for Walkers and Joggers
The best thing you can do to be safe while exercising is to join a jogging or walking club. Community centers and some retail stores that sell running and walking gear have these clubs. Safety in numbers!
Before You Go
...Plan your outing. Always tell someone where you are going and when you will return. Tell friends and family of your favorite exercise routes.
...Know where the telephones are located along the course.
...Wear an identification tag or carry a drivers license. If you do not have a place to carry your I.D., write your name phone number, and blood type on the inside of your athletic shoe. Include any medical information.
...Don’t wear jewelry or carry any cash.
...Wear reflective material.
On the Road
...Tell a friend or family member where you are going and what time you expect to be back.
...Stay alert at all times. The more aware you are the less vulnerable you are.
...Run or walk with a partner or a dog.
...Don’t wear headsets. If you wear them you won’t hear an approaching car or attacker.
...Consider carrying a cellular phone.
...Vary your route.
...Ignore verbal harassment. Use discretion in acknowledging strangers. Look directly at others and be observant but keep your distance and keep moving.
...Run against traffic so you can observe approaching cars.
...If anything happens while you are out exercising call the police immediately when you get home. Remember to get a good description of the suspicious character.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Friday, August 29, 2008
What is Pepper Spray?
What is Pepper Spray ?
OC is a derivative of HOT CAYENNE PEPPERS and is the newest defensive spray agent. It is not an irritant like the tear gases, but an inflammatory agent. Contact with mucous membranes (eyes, nose, throat and lungs) will cause IMMEDIATE dilation of the capillaries of the eyes, resulting in TEMPORARY BLINDNESS and instant inflammation of the breathing tube tissues, cutting off ALL BUT LIFE – SUPPORT BREATHING. OC will not deteriorate with age and unlike the tear gasses, WILL NOT CAUSE LASTING AFTER EFFECTS.
One of the biggest misconceptions about pepper spray is that the higher the percentage, the hotter and better it works. In most cases this could not be further from the truth. Most of the best, fastest incapacitating sprays in the world are from 2%-10%. The lighter the fluid, the faster it penetrates the membranes. The percentage has nothing to do with the actual SHU or "hot" in the spray. Also, thicker sprays can inflame the skin area more and last longer with this unnecessary inflammation. A good spray will put the attacker down and out allowing you to escape or take control of the situation.
OC has proven itself to be the ABSOLUTE BEST DETERRENT available for attacking dogs and wild animal control. Another advantage of OC is that it is not volatile and will not emit a lot of fumes like tear gases.
The term OC ( oleoresin capsicum ) is a horticultural term which refers to chili peppers. There are many different kinds of chili peppers ranging from jalapenos, chiletpin, and cayenne to habaneros. They all have one thing in common. They all contain a substance that is very powerful an alkaloid called capsaicin ( cap-say-a-sin ). Just a single drop of tasteless and odorless capsaicin in 100,000 drops of water and the heat can be noticeable. In fact, capsaicin can be detected by humans at one part per ten million!
Capsaicinoids are produced by a gland in the pepper’s placenta, which is the top partition just below the stem. This is also where the seeds are attached. The placenta is about 16 times stronger than any other part of the plant, any OC spray worth its salt will use its active ingredient made from this part.
Back in 1912, a pharmacologist named Wilbur Scoville came up with the standard for measuring the power of capsaicin. Called the Scoville Organoleptic Test, it was needed to calculate the temperature of peppers used in many pharmaceutical products of the time ( such as "Heet" which was used for the relief of sore muscles, arthritis pain and muscular sprains). Scoville measured the ground pepper into a mixture of sugar, water and alcohol. Then, a panel of five tasters sipped the mixture and gave it a grade; it took a majority of three to assign a value.
Today, the value is established through high technology, a computerized method called high-performance liquid chromatography. The pepper scale ranges from zero Scoville unit for a bell pepper to 5,000 or so for a jalapeno to a whopping 200,00-300,000 for a habanero! Pure capaicin is 15,000,000.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Liquor Store owner Pepper Sprays thief
An 18-year-old Lakewood man was arrested for suspicion of aggravated robbery, criminal mischief and unlawful acts after allegedly trying to steal two bottles of vodka from Parti Tyme Liquors, 1608 W. 92nd Ave. in Federal Heights, at 8:43 p.m. Oct. 27. According to the report, the owners magnetically locked the door when they thought the 18-year-old was trying to leave the store with the vodka. The 18-year-old then allegedly threatened to kill the two owners if they didn't let him leave, and punched the front glass door to try to get out, which shattered the door. The owners then pepper sprayed the 18-year-old with mace. Two other unidentified males then tried to get the 18-year-old, one allegedly brandishing a gun. They fled in a brown Jeep Cherokee. The man was taken to St. Anthony North Hospital before going to Federal Heights Police Department, where he allegedly refused to the name the other two males. Cost of the two bottles of vodka is $20. Cost to replace the glass door is $550.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Clerk saves her life against attacker with pepper spray
.According to police, a man walked into the Dollar Eagle discount store on Broadway Avenue and tried to rob the clerk.A scuffle ensued with the female clerk, who used pepper spray, police said
According to police, the man fled the scene. A blood trail led police to the corner of the street, where they believe he got into a vehicle
Police said the female clerk suffered serious injuries to her face and was transported to Mercy Hospital. According to police, she was so badly injured that she couldn't give a good description of the robber.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Trooper Kills Man Who Fled, Used Pepper Spray
CONOVER, N.C. — A state trooper is on administrative leave after authorities said he fatally shot a man who used pepper spray while fleeing the officer.
The Highway Patrol told the Charlotte Observer that trooper J.D. Connors killed 30-year-old Derek Neal Bowman late Thursday night. Authorities said Connors had pulled over Bowman's truck and found a bottle filled with a white substance.
Highway Patrol spokesman Lt. Everett Clendenin said Bowman fled when Connors tried to arrest him. He said Connors later tried to use pepper spray to subdue the man but that Bowman grabbed the spray and used it on the trooper.
Clendenin said Connors then fired at Bowman and killed him.
The 26-year-old trooper has been put on administrative leave with pay while the SBI reviews the shooting.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Chicago woman wards off attack by using pepper spray
Chicago police said they were looking for a man in connection with the attempted sexual assault of a woman in the Lakeview area early Monday morning. The attacker was described as a male white Hispanic, between 25 and 30 years old with short hair combed back and a medium complexion.
NBC5's Anna Davlantes reported that the victim, identified as "Elizabeth," spoke out about the incident, she said in the hopes it would help others. The victim said she used pepper spray to fend off the attacker."I'm like, 'Oh my God!,'" she said. "I start spraying my mace everywhere and he just takes off. So, luckily, thank God, I had that in my hand."
According to an alert from Belmont Area detectives, the woman was walking to her home in the 500 block of West Briar Place about 2 a.m. when a man threw her to the ground and tried to sexually assault her.Elizabeth showed the scrapes and cuts she received after being thrown to the ground by the attacker, but said she knew it could have been much worse.The victim said she left her job at a bar at 2 a.m., got in a cab, and when it pulled away, the man attacked her."He came out of nowhere," Elizabeth said. "All of the sudden, I'm attacked from behind and pushed down."Police said it has been a long time since they have heard of a victim fending off an attack using pepper spray."She was very courageous, and I give her a lot of credit for doing that," said Chicago police Sgt. Debra DeYoung.Elizabeth urged everyone to buy a can of pepper spray and have it at the ready."Go and buy mace," she said. "When you have it, and you get out and you know you're going to be outside alone, physically have it in your hand ready. Because if I hadn't had it ready, it would have been in my bag --what's the use of having it?"
Davlantes reported that police said they hoped someone would have information on the case. There have been attacks in the area with a similar description, but currently, there wasn't enough information to link them.Anyone with information is asked to contact Belmont Area detectives at 312-744-8261.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Police look for 'cowards' who pepper-sprayed couple
An elderly Lambton couple was peppered sprayed in what police describe as a "cowardly act" of road rage - the second suspected pepper spraying incident in two weeks.
"I don't know how someone could do something like that," said Sharon, 67, one of the victims.
The incident occurred at about midnight Friday, when Sharon was driving home on Highway 40 with her 70-year-old husband, Ted.
During the drive, a car erratically approached from behind and started flashing its lights, police said.
Eventually, Sharon pulled into a driveway just east of the highway hoping the men would leave them alone.
Instead, the men pulled up behind the couple and approached the car. When Sharon opened her window to confront the men, she was pepper-sprayed in the face.
"It's a cowardly, heinous act," said Lambton OPP Const. John Reurink.
"To do something like that is unconscionable and hopefully it will anger the public and they'll contact us."
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Pepper Spray saves student
She has since gone home to Nashville with her parents. She asked 10 News not to use her name.
It wasn't long before the attack that the victim began thinking about being prepared to protect herself.
"It was kind of ironic that we had this whole conversation about the pepper spray right before I needed to use it," she said.
The UT student and some friends were chatting about pepper spray as they walked home from a friend's house about 2:30 Sunday morning. She said they headed different directions about 2 blocks from her home.
"I've had the pepper spray since last year when my boyfriend bought it for me after the Channon Christian tragedy," she said.
Channon Christian and Chris Newsom were killed after a car-jacking in Knoxville last January.
This weekend, the UT student said she was very aware of her surroundings as she walked toward home. She noticed a slow moving maroon Pontiac with two men in it.
"They turned around and started driving the wrong way on the one way street, and then I immediately knew they were coming after me," she said.
She ran and tried to hide on a porch. She said the car passenger chased her and cornered her on the porch.
"And I said, 'Don't get any closer. I have pepper spray and i will spray you. Get away from me,'" she told 10 News.
She said he hit her with a rod of some sort, grabbed her by the hair, and yanked her down the porch steps.
"He was dragging me, so I don't even want to think about what would have happened if I hadn't had my pepper spray."
The man ran after she sprayed him.
The victim suffered some minor bruises. Knoxville police are investigating the case as an aggravated assault.
"We'll look at the forensic evidence, and we'll look at the interviews and any kind of composite we get back from the victim and go from there," said Captain Gary Holliday with KPD.
The victim's father sent a letter to Knoxville's police chief, UT police, and Knoxville's mayor. The letter said investigators overlooked evidence at the crime scene and characterized the police response as "ineffective."
Police said they collected the evidence, and it is part of their investigation.
Police are waiting for the victim to return from Nashville to work with a sketch artist to develop a suspect composite.
The victim said she intends to return to class later this week. She said it won't be easy.
"I'm going to be afraid about walking to class even in the broad daylight.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Monday, March 31, 2008
I was attacked by a black bear (trash bear) last summer in Yosemite. I can tell you that pepper spray works and saved my arse. I believe that I owe my life to pepper spray. Sure, it's not foolproof and as they say its not 'brains in a can' but it beats trying to fight him with your bare hands.
Carry it ready to go on your hip in a holster - mine is from the UDAP company. It points forward so it can even be fired from the hip without taking it out. I like shotguns but the rangers in National Parks aren't keen on them and they're too heavy. Save the Mossberg for turkey season.
I believe that black bears anywhere are not much of a threat. I've had two encounters with them while hiking here in Colorado, including surprising a sow and cub, and in both instances the bears simply moved on, unconcerned about me. I have also come home to find one bear destroying my gas grill (I live in the mountains) which ran away when I yelled at it.
That said, black bears in the Sierras, especially Yosemite and Mt. Whitney National parks, are an entirely different story. They are completely habituated to humans and human food and show no fear whatsoever of us. I think it's foolish to camp in the backcountry of these areas without carrying pepper spray.
We were camped a few miles from Little Yosemite Valley when my friend and I were awakened in the middle of the night by a bear getting into our food, which had been counterbalanced in a nearby tree (our first mistake - we should have been using canisters because nothing else works). It was sitting on the branch literally pulling up the bags of food by pulling the rope hand, er, paw over paw. We tried everything to scare it away - yelling, throwing rocks, shining flashlights in its eyes. The bear, which had a red tag in it's ear signifying it was a problem bear, ignored us the whole time. I guess I got pissed off and had the bright idea to hit the food bags with a rock to knock them off the branch. At that point, the bear turned and hissed (like a cat) at us and promptly ran down the tree hitting the ground running at us.
I managed to spray the bear, hitting it square in the face at 6 feet in full charge. He was repelled instantly, retreated about 10 feet, charged again and was stopped again when I sprayed him in the face.
But, wait, there's more! We retrieved the food, got back to camp and started a big fire. Why? That bear wouldn't leave the area, pacing back and forth at about 50 feet from us. Also, probably due to the commotion we had created, we began hearing noises elsewhere in the woods surrounding us. Shining our flashlights into the woods we counted three other bears, all within 50 feet. Two of them even began fighting one another, presumably over the rights to our food. At that point, another frightened camper came running up the trail warning us about three bears that had just raided his site. Admitting defeat, we packed up camp and the three of us hiked for three hours in the middle of the night by flashlight to escape. And, yes, we were followed by them for part of the way.
We made it to Tuolomne Meadows the next day and rented canisters. We also told the story to a ranger who indicated (in a roundabout way) that that bear would have to be destroyed. Later on that same trip, I talked to a ranger near Red's Meadow who said a woman was attacked in her tent. I also talked to many other campers who had bears in their camps going after their food. Several of them were using Ursacks which proved useless against those bears. I know this was one extreme encounter and this isn't meant to scare anyone away from Yosemite or to exaggerate the chances of a bear encounter there, but this is definitely one neck of the woods you should consider bringing along some pepper spray and using a food canister (which is going to be required now to get a backcountry permit).
So there you have it! By the way, if you should ever have to spray a bear, move well way, even if it's in the middle of the night. If it comes back, the bear spray is likely to have less effect on it.
Thanks for letting me tell my story!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Woman on life support after being sprayed by Pepper Spray
Kun Min Kim, 50, was attacked about 7:30 p.m. Sunday as she arrived home from her snack store at the
While being treated at Orange Coast Memorial Hospital in Fountain Valley, Kim suffered a stroke and was put into intensive care, police and relatives said.
A brain scan showed that Kim had developed a large blood clot, and hopes for her survival were uncertain, said her nephew Kenneth Lee.
Police didn't know Kim's medical history or if an existing condition could have contributed to her reaction to the pepper spray.
"In this case, we're definitely looking into the use of pepper spray as a contributing factor to the condition she's in now," Sgt. Dan Schoonmaker said.
If Kim dies, her assailant, if caught, could face homicide charges, police said.
Doctors said Kim's stroke was probably triggered by shock and stress from the attack rather than by the spray, Lee said.
"It was a chaotic situation," Lee said. "Here she was trying to breathe and at the same time tell my uncle what had happened."
Investigators were planning to interview the victim's relatives Monday for more information.
"They didn't get much of a chance to talk to either her or them before paramedics arrived," Schoonmaker said.
Officers at the scene, Schoonmaker said, apparently had identified the use of pepper spray during the robbery because of its odor.
"Pepper spray has a distinctive smell," Schoonmaker said. "It could have been from other sprays, but based on the symptoms she had -- like tearing, coughing and redness in the face -- it's likely it was pepper spray."
Pepper spray is an oily plant resin made from such dried spices as chili or cayenne. In some products, the resin is mixed with water or mineral, vegetable or soy oil, and some form of alcohol carrier. It is injected into a canister, from which it can be dispensed in short bursts.
The family, however, suspected that the chemical weapon was mace. The spray was so caustic, Lee said, that a day after touching their mother, her children said they could feel a burning sensation on their hands.
"The spray was all over the dashboard, the steering wheel, the seat belt and the inside of the car. . . . It had like a sticky, burning touch to it," Lee said.
Mace is a tear gas whose effects are similar to pepper spray, authorities said.
Though both substances can cause coughing and gagging, their exact effect on the body is unknown and varies from person to person, Schoonmaker said.
Some researchers have speculated that the gagging reflex may cause some people to believe that they are suffocating and cause them go into shock or suffer heart failure.
The suspect in the Westminster robbery is described as in her 20s, wearing dark pants and a gray sweater or sweat shirt.
Police are asking anyone with information about the attack to contact Westminster Police Detective Kevin MacCormick at (714) 898-3315, Ext. 340.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Panel of experts to help make decision on use of pepper deterrent
AUSTIN – The Texas Youth Commission's new conservator said Friday he will address the use of pepper spray in juvenile prisons within two weeks – and he's looking to a panel of experts sidelined by the agency's acting executive director for guidance.
Richard Nedelkoff, appointed by Gov. Rick Perry late last month, wouldn't reveal his opinion on whether there's a place for pepper spray in youth lock-ups.
But the panel, created in the aftermath of the TYC's sexual and physical abuse scandal, released a report last year opposing use of the spray as a behavioral measure – advice acting Executive Director Dimitria Pope openly disregarded.
"There are a lot of people I want to bring to the table to be part of the solution, a lot of people I have on loan from other states," Mr. Nedelkoff said. "I want these decisions to be thorough, to be thoughtful. But they will not take a lot of time."
On Friday, Mr. Nedelkoff responded again to news reports that TYC officials had spent money intended for new guards on office relocations, renovations and furniture, saying that watching the agency's spending habits will be as much a priority "as child safety, treatment and rehabilitation."
Next month, lawmakers on the House Appropriations Corrections Subcommittee will hold a hearing on the expenditures, first reported by The Dallas Morning News.
Mr. Nedelkoff wouldn't say whether he will keep Ms. Pope, who oversaw the expenditures, on his leadership team. But he said he plans to have all his major leadership and policy changes in place by March. And he indicated that a new treatment and rehabilitation plan that stresses individual assessments, group work and specialized clinical treatment, should come together in the next few weeks.
"Hopefully every week the public will see evidence that we're moving in the right direction," he said.
Mr. Nedelkoff has brought in a team of guest experts to tackle staffing patterns, behavior management (including controversial "isolation") and a new "Girls Initiative."
Also on the agenda: determining which youth prisons need to be closed to have a smaller, more centralized juvenile justice system.
On Friday, Mr. Nedelkoff sent an e-mail to TYC staff highlighting these developments and announcing plans to start monthly conference calls with all lock-up and halfway-house superintendents.
"I will make some mistakes along the way, but I will accept responsibility for those decisions," he wrote. "My simple goal is to create a culture and an organization in which we are working as a team."
Friday, January 25, 2008
Stepfather bound over for trial in girl's slaying, rape-
David Spears (25) - stepfather charged with one count of first-degree murder; forcible rape and statutory rape
Chris Collings (32) - also charged with one count of first-degree murder; forcible rape and statutory rape
STELLA, Missouri
Stepfather declines preliminary hearing for Rowan Ford's murder--(KYTV-TV)--A man charged with raping and murdering his 9-year-old stepdaughter, Rowan Ford, waived his right to a preliminary hearing on Tuesday. Associate Circuit Judge Victor Head sent David Spears' case to circuit court for a trial or a plea.
Stepfather bound over for trial in girl's slaying, rape--(Associated Press)--The stepfather charged with raping and murdering 9-year-old Rowan Ford was ordered to stand trial after waiving his right to a hearing on the evidence.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
MINDY MORGENSTERN (22) - Valley City State University senior; strangled and stabbed to death September 2006
Moe Gibbs (35) - former county jailer; being tried for the second time for murder; trial earlier this year ended after the jury deadlocked; convicted; sentenced to life without parole
MINOT, North Dakota
Jurors' names sealed--(In-Forum)--A judge has sealed information about the jurors in Moe Gibbs' second murder trial, saying the court "gave its word" it would keep their identities confidential.
Moe Gibbs appeal notice filed with state Supreme Court.--(Associated Press)--A notice of plans to appeal the murder conviction of former Barnes County jailer Moe Gibbs has been filed with the state Supreme Court.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Hundreds flee 'pepper spray attack'
Gardai are investigating a suspected pepper spray attack which forced hundreds of people to flee a cinema.
The Eye Cinema complex in Galway's Eyre Square had to be evacuated after scores of customers complained about irritated throats and eyes and suffered crippling bouts of coughing. The fire brigade and gardai were called in to check the building and later declared it safe.
Less than two hours later, an 18-year-old man was arrested after an incident at a petrol station in Salthill. Gardai said they were called to the scene after the man reportedly sprayed noxious fumes through the security hatch.
Daughter charged with murder of mother
Tess Damm (16) - daughter charged with first-degree murder, conspiracy and evidence-tampering; trial date is set for week of May 12
Bryan Grove (18) -pleaded guilty to second-degree murder; sentenced to 40 years
Jared Sajal Guy (19) - pleaded guilty to felony tampering; was sentenced to six months of work release followed by home monitoring probation; expected to testify against co-defendents
Jared Smith (16) - pleaded guilty; sentenced to two years in the Department of Youth Corrections
Grove sentenced to 40 years--(Daily Camera)--A Boulder judge sentenced Bryan Grove to 40 years in prison Tuesday for stabbing his girlfriend’s mother to death last year.
Damm's killer put away for 40 years--(Longmont Daily Times-Call)--Bryan Grove stood slowly, took a long drink of water, and paused before he unspooled an apology to the family of the woman he stabbed to death in her home last year.
Dad hopes son grows in prison--(Longmont Daily Times-Call)--The parents of an 18-year-old man convicted in last year’s stabbing death of a Lafayette woman broke their public silence Tuesday by offering condolences to the victim’s family and words of hope to their son.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Father charged in death of wife, four kids
MARGUERITE (8); VINCENT (4); JACOB and MIA (both 3) - children died from fire related injuries and possible other injuries
Michael Veillette (34) - charged with one count of murder, four counts of aggravated murder and one count of aggravated arson
Father charged in death of wife, four kids--(Oxford Press)--A Mason father has been charged with one count of murder and four counts of aggravated murder in the death of his wife and four children found during a house fire Friday
Mother, Four Children Die in Mason Fire, Stabbing--(WKRC TV)--A Mason man faces murder and arson charges in the deaths of his wife and four children.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Pepper spray forces evacuation of Galway cinema
More than 500 people were escorted from the Eye Cinema after many customers began coughing.
Gardai are investigating possible links to the use of pepper spray during a separate incident in the Salthill area yesterday.
A man in his early 20s was arrested in connection with that incident, but has since been released without charge pending instructions from the DPP.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Round Rock police ask for help to find accused child molester
Police: Man accused of molesting niece may be in Austin--(KVUE)--Ricardo Rosales, 34, is described as 5' 4" tall, weighing 135 pounds.
Round Rock police ask for help to find accused child molester--(Austin American-Statesman)--Round Rock police are asking for the public's help to find a man accused of breaking into his next-door relatives' home in mid-November and molesting the man's 13 year-old niece.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Anyone with information is asked to call the Round Rock Police Department at (512) 218-5500
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Organizers insist Open's image not hurt by pepper spray fracas
MELBOURNE (AFP) — The unprecedented use of pepper spray to subdue rowdy fans at the Australian Open had not tarnished the tournament's international reputation, organisers insisted Wednesday.
Police used the spray in a confrontation with fans at Tuesday night's match between Chilean Fernando Gonzalez and Konstantinos Economidis of Greece as ugly crowd scenes marred the season-opening Grand Slam for the second straight year.
Images of the fracas were beamed around the world by the huge media contingent in town for the Open but tournament director Craig Tiley denied the event once dubbed "the Happy Slam" was facing an international image crisis.
"The reputation of the tournament has not been hurt," Tiley told reporters.
"What the world is also seeing is an unbelievable event.
"What does concern us is when people come to deliberately disrupt other members of the crowd."
But Victoria state opposition leader Ted Baillieu said events at the Open "sent an appalling picture of Melbourne to the world".
"God help us if we have to wear gas masks to go to the tennis," he said.
Tiley backed the tough action taken by police, part of a zero tolerance policy to crowd behaviour which followed violent clashes between Serbian and Croatian fans last year.
"Certainly in this case the actions that they were forced to take were the correct actions," he said.
Police denied they were overzealous, although they admitted some innocent bystanders in the crowd were hit by the spray -- an irritant that leaves people choking with burning eyes.
"(It's) not an over-reaction," Victoria Police superintendent John Cooke said.
Cooke said two officers warned a trio of Economidis supporters yelling obscenities in Greek and English to settle down but they retreated after one of the fans threw a punch at a policeman.
The police returned with reinforcements and used pepper spray when the three fans and others in their group became threatening, Cooke said.
He said 10 spectators who were not among the troublemakers were treated after being affected by the spray, also known as OC spray.
Cooke said while such "secondary exposure" of bystanders was unfortunate, the situation would have been worse if police had not used the spray.
"Had we not used the OC spray and resorted to a physical confrontation, one-on-one, in that sort of environment, I can guarantee we would have ended up with injuries," he said.
Eyewitnesses said the number of people affected by the spray was much higher than the figure acknowledged by police.
Elena Arapu said she was sitting behind the group targeted by police when the spray was used.
"Everyone was running for the exits, little kids, everyone," she told Melbourne's Age newspaper. "Me and my friend were sprayed, we couldn't breathe.
"All they (the fans) were doing was chanting, it was a complete over-reaction."
The three fans who sparked the incident were Wednesday banned from returning to the tournament this year and were expected to be charged with a range of offences, including assaulting police and resisting arrest.
Police also revealed that they were investigating allegations a drunk man "inappropriately touched" a 12-year-old girl on the buttocks at the tournament on Monday.
At last year's event, three men were arrested for taking indecent photographs up female spectators' skirts, with one subsequently jailed for two months, and a five-year-old boy was assaulted in a toilet.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Quadruple murder defendants plead not guilty
Jason McGhee (24); and Marcin Sosniak (22) - allegedly opened fire on the victims; grand jury has indicted each defendant on 20 felony charges, including multiple counts of murder, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, burglary and armed robbery; pleaded not guilty
Frank Ortegon (27) - also indicted on 20 felony charges, including multiple counts of murder, aggravated assault, aggravated battery, burglary and armed robbery
Quadruple murder defendants plead not guilty--(Gainesville Times)--Two of the three defendants charged in a March 2006 massacre at a Forsyth County farmhouse entered formal not guilty pleas in a Thursday court appearance.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Chandler Arizona rapist in custody
Chandler Rapist in custody, police say
Pepper Spray Inc.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Husband prime suspect in wifes disappearance
KATHLEEN SAVIO (40) - Peterson's third wife drowned in a bathtub in what was thought to be an accident
Drew Peterson (53) - husband and former police sergeant has become a prime suspect
Kentucky cops say they have no record of Peterson sighting--(Naperville Reporter)--The anonymous writer who claimed to have spotted Stacy Peterson in a Kentucky mall parking lot also claimed to have reported the incident to local authorities.
A copy of the letter sent to Drew Peterson from an anonymous writer--(Naperville Reporter)
Please Help Us Find Stacy!--(Website)
Pepper Spray Inc.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
13 year old abducted at gunpoint while waiting for school bus
Vicente Ignacio Beltran-Moreno (20) - suspected kidnaper charged with armed kidnapping and aggravated assault; trial date set for 03/03/08
Ana Pureco Tinoco (28) - girlfriend charged with accessory after the fact
PARRISH, Florida
Girlfriend of kidnapping suspect charged--(Bradenton Herald)--The girlfriend of the man accused of kidnapping 13-year-old Clay Moore from his Parrish bus stop last year was formally charged Friday with helping with the abduction.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Puerto Rico police expect to arrest 2 in beauty pageant pepper-spray scandal
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico - Police in Puerto Rico said they expect the imminent arrest of two beauty pageant employees, as they wrapped up an investigation into a plot to sabotage a contestant by dousing her garments with pepper spray.
The pageant's security director and a catwalk co-ordinator, alleged backers of a rival to beauty queen Ingrid Marie Rivera, will likely be charged with assault in coming days after detectives consult with prosecutors, police spokesman Lt. Eddie Hernandez said Tuesday.
The scandal broke when Rivera claimed saboteurs conspired to torpedo her pageant bid at November's Miss Puerto Rico Universe competition by tainting her clothes and makeup kit with pepper spray, causing her to break out in hives.
The 24-year-old managed to stay composed onstage but later applied ice bags to her face and body after she said she swelled up and broke out in hives. She won the crown nonetheless.
Last month, a black gown and the bathing suit Rivera wore during the competition's final round tested positive for pepper spray. Earlier, a different dress and a makeup brush tested negative.
Investigators said the pepper spray was likely applied when contestants and their assistants left the changing room.
Pageant organizers will screen volunteers and employees more carefully in the future, director Magali Febles said.
The tale of beauty pageant backstabbing garnered worldwide media attention. Since the incident, Rivera has been interviewed on TV programs including "The Ellen DeGeneres Show."
Pepper Spray Inc.Thursday, January 10, 2008
British exchange student found dead with throat cut
Amanda Marie Knox (20) - American exchange student; housemate and close friend; confessed to her involvement and being held for the murder and sexual violence against the victim
Raffaele Sollecito (24) - Italian student and Knox's boyfriend; being held on suspicion of involvement in murder and sexual violence
Rudy Hermann Guede(20) - fourth suspect arrested 11/20/07 in Germany; awaiting extradition
Lumumba "Patrick" Diya (38) - Congolese bartender released from prison after his lawyers formally applied for his discharge on grounds of lack of evidence
Exclusive: Meredith's mum speaks of her pain--(Wimbledon Guardian)-- The heartbroken mother of murdered student Meredith Kercher has spoken for the first time about the family's first Christmas without her daughter.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Search for hiker resumes on grim note
Ella - Emerson's black Labrador retriever has been found
Gary Michael Hilton (61) - charged with kidnapping and bodily injury
ATLANTA, Georgia
Friends hope for 'miracle' as missing hiker presumed dead--(CNN)--After arresting a 61-year-old man in the disappearance of a young woman last seen hiking on a north Georgia mountain, a state Bureau of Investigation spokesman said authorities' search efforts had shifted from rescue to recovery
Search for hiker resumes on grim note--(Atlanta Journal-Constitution)--Day broke Sunday without the hope friends and family and searchers clung to for four days as they looked for missing 24-year-old Buford hiker, Meridith Emerson.
Missing Ga. Hiker, 24, Believed Dead--(Associated Press)--More than 150 people fanned out in the northern Georgia woods Sunday looking for the body of a 24-year-old hiker believed to have been killed, a day after authorities charged a man with kidnapping her.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Murder charges dropped in Tankleff killing
Marty Tankleff (17 then, 36 now) - charged with killing his parents in 1988; convicted and sentenced to 50 years to life; court overturned conviction in 2007
Murder charges dropped in Tankleff killing--(CNN)--After 17 years in prison, Martin Tankleff has been set free and will not face a retrial for the 1988 murders of his parents. At the time of the murders, Tankleff's father was involved in a dispute with the business partner with whom he ran a chain of local bagel shops.
Transcript of Marty Tankleff's 911 call
Read the police report
Pepper Spray Inc.
Woman's slaying in Tyler, TX may involve cannibalism
Christopher Lee McCuin (25) - boyfriend charged with capital murder; bond $2 million dollars
TYLER, Texas
Friends Remember Jana Shearer As Beautiful Woman Who Loved Life--(Tyler Morning Telegraph)--At nearly 6-feet tall with long blonde hair, green eyes and a bounce in her walk, Jana Shearer turned heads.
Officials: Suspect killed, tried to eat girlfriend--(Associated Press)--Deputies responding to a 911 call in this East Texas town found a gruesome scene: a human ear boiling in a pot on a stovetop and a hunk of flesh impaled on a fork sitting atop a plate on the kitchen table.
Woman's slaying in Tyler may involve cannibalism--(Dallas Morning News)--Cannibalism may have been involved in a murder discovered here after a man summoned his mother to "see what he had done." She saw his girlfriend's body in the back seat of his pickup, authorities said.
Cannibalism Suspect: 'God Told Me To Do It'--(Tyler Morning Telegraph)--"When he said God told him to do it, one of the investigators looked at him and just said, 'What did you say?'" he said
Pepper Spray Inc.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Vallejo CA. woman changes plea to guilty in double murder
CHRISTINA 'TINA' BAXLEY (41) - killed nine hours later while walking her dog
Mario Raul Moreno (27) - charged with two counts of murder and conspiracy
Paige Tillie Linville (24) - pleaded guilty to charges of being an accessory to murder after the fact and possession of methamphetamine
Vallejo woman changes plea to guilty in double murder--(Vallejo Times-Herald)--A day after pleading no contest to two felonies related to the apparently random shooting deaths of two Solano County women, a Vallejo woman on Friday changed her plea to guilty.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Missing mother of 2
Hans Reiser (43) - Oakland software developer charged with murdering his estranged wife; in trial
OAKLAND, California
Purse, cell phone with no battery, found in Nina Reiser's car--(Tri-Valley Herald)--A week after Nina Reiser went missing, her beige Honda Odyssey minivan was found on Fernwood Drive, appearing as if someone had planned to return shortly to drive it away, pictures displayed in court showed.
Hans Reiser Murder Case Focuses On Missing Car Seat--(InformationWeek)--Jurors heard testimony that the front passenger seat was missing and the car contained books on murder with a receipt showing they had been purchased soon after Nina Reiser's disappearance.
Witness: Nina Reiser focused on courses--(Tri-Valley Herald)--Between 2002 and three days before she disappeared, Reiser had spent about $12,000 on courses at the Berkeley Kaplan Center, which prepares students for the United States Medical Licensing Exam.
Reiser trial focuses on front seat of defendant's Honda CRX--(San Francisco Chronicle)--There was nothing amiss in computer programmer Hans Reiser's car and no signs of blood when he was pulled over for a traffic violation 10 days after his estranged wife disappeared, a Redwood City police sergeant testified Tuesday at Reiser's murder trial. But the front passenger seat was missing six days after
Jailhouse Interview: Reiser Talks to ABC's 20/20--( without a body, prosecutors say they have a solid case.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Body of missing San Jose CA woman found in Milpitas landfill
Anthony Davis Evans (45) - acquaintance being held in connection with the alleged murder
SAN JOSE, California
Missing Woman's Body Found In Milpitas Landfill--(KTVU)--The body of 35-year-old Ann Lisa Nguyen was found in the Newby Island Landfill in Milpitas Wednesday at about 12:45 p.m., according to San Jose police Officer Jermaine Thomas.
Vietnamese-American's death angers community in the US--(Thanh Nien Daily)--The Vietnamese community in San Jose, the US, is agitated after the body of a murdered 35-year-old woman was found in a landfill Wednesday.
Body of missing San Jose woman found in Milpitas landfill--(San Francisco Chronicle)--Investigators found the body of a slain San Jose woman in a Milpitas landfill Wednesday after searching the site for nearly a week.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Friday, January 4, 2008
20 yr old male college student missing
MATTHEW J. WILSON (20) - Rice University student went missing 12/14/07
Police sift through tips regarding missing Rice student--(Houston Chronicle)--Rice University police are sifting through a handful of tips that arrived Wednesday from Crime Stoppers concerning the disappearance two weeks ago of student Matthew J. Wilson.
'Diligent' Rice student is missing--(Houston Chronicle)--For three years running, Cathy Wilson has worked hard not to worry from 365 miles away when her youngest child Matthew slips into a news blackout at the end of each semester of study at Rice University.
Student Failed to Arrive Home for Christmas, and the Police Investigate--(New York Times)--Mr. Wilson, a 20-year-old computer science junior at Rice University here, had been expected at his mother’s house in Haworth, Okla., on Friday to drive to a sister’s home in Tulsa for the holiday.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
6 in Family found slain at home in Seattle
CARNATION, Washington
2 arrested in Carnation killings--(Seattle Post-Intelligencer)--The King County sheriff's office reports a man and a woman, each in their late 20s or early 30s, have been arrested for investigation of four counts of homicide in connection with six Christmas Eve slayings near Carnation east of Seattle.
Police: Pair arrested in slayings of six--(CNN)--A man and a woman have been arrested in connection with the deaths of six people -- believed to be three generations of the same family -- in a rural area outside Seattle, Washington, on Wednesday, authorities said.
6 in Family Are Found Slain in Home Outside Seattle--(New York Times)--Six people were found shot to death at a home in a rural part of King County on Wednesday, and investigators arrested two people they said were responsible for the killings, law enforcement officials said.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Man kidnaps daughter
Man allegedly abducted daughter, stole boat--(Sacramento Bee)--A Granite Bay man is being held on $10 million bail after he allegedly kidnapped his 3-year-old daughter on Christmas Eve, took her on an illicit sailing excursion along the California coastline and ran the boat aground on a Monterey area beach. Adom Fetter, 35, apparently set sail from Alameda on Monday
Boater faces abduction charge; also accused of stealing craft--(Monterey County Herald)-- Adom Fetter, 35, was being held Wednesday in Monterey County Jail in lieu of $26,000 bail, according to the Monterey County Sheriff's Office.
Pepper Spray Inc.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Man set free for murder of his parents in 1988
Tankleff Freed After Posting Bail--(New York Times)--After being imprisoned nearly half his life for the murders of his parents, crimes he insists he did not commit, Martin H. Tankleff walked free on Thursday after a bail hearing here.
Martin Tankleff--(New York Times)--Martin H. Tankleff was supposed to start his senior year of high school on Sept. 7, 1988. But before dawn, his parents were bludgeoned and stabbed during a rampage in their home on a cliff overlooking Long Island Sound.
Pepper Spray Inc.