* Safety Tips *
All of the Safety Tips in this section were compiled from the NATIONAL CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL (NCPC)
Basic Street Smarts
...Wherever you are, on the street, in a parking lot, shopping mall, driving, waiting for a bus or subway..STAY ALERT and tuned in to your surroundings.
...Send the message that you’re calm, confident, and know where you are going.
...Trust your instincts. If something or someone makes you uneasy, avoid the person or leave.
...Know the neighborhoods where you live and work. Check out the locations of police and fire stations, public telephones, hospitals, and restaurants, or stores that are open late.
On Foot
...Stick to well-traveled streets. Avoid shortcuts through wooded areas, parking lots, or alleys.
...Don’t flash large amounts of cash or other tempting targets like expensive jewelry or clothing.
...Carry a purse close to your body, not dangling by the straps. Put a wallet in an inside coat or front pants pocket not in a back pocket.
...Try to use automated teller machines in the daytime. Have your card in hand and don’t approach the machine if you are uneasy about people nearby.
...Don’t wear shoes or clothing that restrict your movements.
...Have your car or house keys in hand before you reach the door.
...If you think someone is following you, switch directions or cross the street, walk toward an open store, restaurant, lighted house. If you are scared yell for help.
...Have to work late? Make sure that there are others in the building, and ask someone..a colleague or security guard to walk you to your car or transit stop.
On Wheels
...Keep your car in good running condition. Make sure there’s enough gas to get where you are going and back.
...Always roll up the windows and lock car doors, even if you’re coming right back. Check inside and outside before getting in.
...Avoid parking in isolated areas. Be especially alert in lots and underground parking garages.
...If you think someone is following you don’t head home. Drive to the nearest police station, fire station, gas station, or other open business to get help.
...Don’t pick up hitchhikers. Don’t hitchhike.
Safety for Walkers and Joggers
The best thing you can do to be safe while exercising is to join a jogging or walking club. Community centers and some retail stores that sell running and walking gear have these clubs. Safety in numbers!
Before You Go
...Plan your outing. Always tell someone where you are going and when you will return. Tell friends and family of your favorite exercise routes.
...Know where the telephones are located along the course.
...Wear an identification tag or carry a drivers license. If you do not have a place to carry your I.D., write your name phone number, and blood type on the inside of your athletic shoe. Include any medical information.
...Don’t wear jewelry or carry any cash.
...Wear reflective material.
On the Road
...Tell a friend or family member where you are going and what time you expect to be back.
...Stay alert at all times. The more aware you are the less vulnerable you are.
...Run or walk with a partner or a dog.
...Don’t wear headsets. If you wear them you won’t hear an approaching car or attacker.
...Consider carrying a cellular phone.
...Vary your route.
...Ignore verbal harassment. Use discretion in acknowledging strangers. Look directly at others and be observant but keep your distance and keep moving.
...Run against traffic so you can observe approaching cars.
...If anything happens while you are out exercising call the police immediately when you get home. Remember to get a good description of the suspicious character.
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